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Ruch ulicznyHanoi, Makaufoto: Krzysztof Stępieńźródło:
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Instead of allowing it to go Romeo serenades Juliet with words that could make anyone's heart and soul ślusarz Białystok melt (Mine included, After all the dialogue and poetry is a very important factor Shakespeare gets right EACH AND EVERY TIME) plus they profess their love for each and every other. Here are some is a lot of drama that might be perfect for today's day American sitcom that ends with both of these killing themselves above the loss of life of the other, don't even get me started out on the smudged circumstances necessary to make that happen. While it's true that the landscape is tragic and brings tears to one's eyeball, it is a lttle bit silly once you start thinking about it also. And do not defend them saying that these were in love, people lose those they love all the right time, and understanding how to handle the sorrow than it is a huge part of growing up. But again our protagonists here hadn't really done a lot of growing up yet, possessed they?

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od 03/06/2016


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